Our Sexton Poetry prize 2022-2024 (long awaited) now has a ten poet longlist, selected by the distinguished American poet Rodney Jones.
Congratulations to all ten poets and manuscripts. A shortlist of 5 will be announced in a few weeks, and then a winner, before Christmas 2024.
Kelly Cass Falzone Last Year's Ruin, This Year's Sail
Samuel Gilpin Apoptosis
Lindsay Stuart Hill That's Where I'll Arrive
Leah Claire Kaminski Live Oak Nearly on Fire
Richard Lyons Say It's Hunger
Dana Roeser I Wake to a Life in Which the Beds Keep Moving
Shagirah Shahid If I Must Live
Jeffrey Skinner The Sun at Eye Level
Susan Varnot Landscape of the Body
Elizabeth Young 349 Things I Don't Need to Worry about Right Now