International Success for Tucson Salvage

International Success for Tucson Salvage

Since its UK launch in late autumn, Brian Jabas Smith’s Tucson Salvage: Tales and Recollections from La Frontera has been enjoying international success. A top seller for Small Press Distributors, Smith’s book quickly sold out of its first run. Salvage has received national press from daily papers, alt weeklies, popular radio shows and magazines, including Razorcake and New York Magazine.

The documentary film Smith co-wrote with his wife, Maggie, which she directed, has been accepted to three major festivals so far including the prestigious CineQuest, and has already earned the Grand Jury Prize at the Culver City Film festival, where Hollywood studios were founded. Currently on a national reading and screening tour, you can follow the Smith’s and Tucson Salvage, the book and the doc, at

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