CrimeBits Writing Prompt #3

CrimeBits Writing Prompt #3

This is the space to tell us how you would answer the writing prompt that appears in CrimeBits on page 123. 

The old guy was sat on the same bench most days at around two o’clock in the afternoon. I first noticed him around a month ago. Always well dressed, suit and tie, polished shoes, the works. Always the same bench. After the first few times, he started nodding at me in a polite greeting as I passed him. I was always told to respect my elders, so I always reciprocated the nod. It’s not often you see that these days. Everyone seems to be in their own little bubble, ignorant of other people around them. But this old guy was still espousing the social orders of old. He interested me. Always sat on the same bench most days. Not every day though. I walk through the park Monday to Friday at the same time, going home after the six am to two pm shifts I work. I’d say he was there at least three days out of those five.

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