CrimeBits Writing Prompt #10

CrimeBits Writing Prompt #10

This is the space to tell us how you would answer the writing prompt that appears in CrimeBits on page 339. 

The handler sighed heavily, looked me in the eyes and said, ‘Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t have to give you this one you know.’ 

Looking back, all I can think about that moment was what was running through my mind. One thought over and over. I said ‘This happens today.’

Thinking . . . am I sure?


It didn’t take long to find him. After receiving the tip I’d been waiting for, I found him within a week. Almost as if he hadn’t been hiding at all. Took me longer to find that drifter on the west coast last year. It was three months before I discovered him working in the kitchen of a truck stop diner. Waited out- side for him and followed the guy home. Poor bastard never saw me coming. This old man was no different. Had no idea I’d been following him for a week.

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